maybes and daydreams

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January 15, 2012


You may recognize him.
I love my grandparents' garden. Even in winter it's so charming, especially when it's rainy and foggy outside. That's why I decided to bring my camera and take some photos of it.
I hadn't seen Tommy in a long time, so I was happy when, just as I was heading towards the garden, he suddenly appeared, meowing, obviously wanting to be cuddled. That's rather unusual for him, but of course I obliged; I can never resist cats.
When I went to cross the chickens' territory, he followed me and wouldn't leave me, like a little protector. But luckily I didn't need him to defend me as my grandparents currently don't have a cock which could attack me.
Most of my pictures turned out to be out of focus, because everyone was moving so fast, especially the chickens. I wasn't able to take a picture while kneeling down, because all the animals would run right to me. Well, at least they weren't running away...

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