maybes and daydreams

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November 06, 2011

Someone to introduce the show

I don't know if I've ever been happier before. It was pretty amazing.

 A friend of mine once said: "Music is about being yourself, showing who you are, being free." Standing in the middle of the crowd, dancing, singing and smiling all the time, I suddenly knew what he meant. I didn't care about what the others might think of me, because we were all feeling the same. Incredible.

 I did some filming, too, and I would have loved to show you the atmosphere, but you might already know that I'm a terrible camera operator. Everything was a little shaky, because I couldn't stop jumping and the people in front of me couldn't stop jumping either. In addition, I was so overwhelmed that I had to sing along. Now it all can be heard, and even though I was almost in tune ;), I can't expect you to listen to that. It's kind of embarrassing, but a wonderful memory. 

Again soon, I hope. These guys are fantastic.

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